divorce Contact

Went to catch my husband having affair . I saw him going to the mistress house in to her house. I straight away call my mother n my mother in law. When we reach her house. Only my husband come out. Dat mistress dare not come out. He lock the gate n argue argue n etc. I told him why she is hiding. You shld ask her to come out. So we went first floor, he shouting n making hell of a noise. This fucker who neglected me n my lo for 1 month plus. When during the confrontation. He keep saying he want to divorce me . I hv to wait 3 yrs to get divorce I told him i prepare all the separation doc. He told he he will sign. Fucker asking me to pay 50% of the renovation $. Which cost total est $45000. Then i argue, y shld i pay. U the one say u wan to pay. I been looking after the house n cleaning. Y shld i. Then he replied ok then dont need. Later he say house 50 50 share. I said fine. We bought resale just our house is only 1 yr old. My lo custody, he said he doesnt want . He said i can have everything. Just leave and f*** off thats wat he said. I asked him. U leave because of the mistress. He said he is much happier. The replied i told him this is temp happiness you will get. Why i say that. Bcozz she been with married man b4. Even she wen out with his boyfren so call. Which that boy is engaged. She is dating internal police officer. I told him. U will loose your wife, n ur lo. Now your family doesnt respect you. He keep saying never its ok. Just f*** off he keep saying. This is the man that i married, who is selfish, think of sex, pointed knife at my lo. Hitted me 3 times cozz cannot control his hot temper.Liers n so on. My chapter is not end yet cozz i need to speak to a lawyer to prepare separation doc. Mummy do u hv any contact of lawyer. May i know how much separation will cost. Really appreciate .

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You should have reported police when he used criminal force on you or used knife pointed at your child. You may want to consider apply Protection Order https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/what-is-a-personal-protection-order/ If you have financial difficulty to engage a lawyer, you may seek help from the Legal Aid Bureau 1800 2255 529 https://lab.mlaw.gov.sg/ Take care.

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