Bleeding spotted beside sac

Am at week 5 day 4. Went to see gynae, gynae managed to see my sac but spotted bleeding beside sac. Hence, ordered me to bedrest. Can share experience on similar situations? Hope everything will be ok 🥲

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Please please do bed rest as much as you can mommy! I had the same experience @ 6 weeks there was bleeding lining but doctor told me not to be worried for now as heartbeat and all was good. Baby stop growing at 7 weeks 4 days and i went through a miscarriage 😭

3y trước

): I know how you feel.. hugs.. I had a miscarriage previous round right before week 7 and I didn't even get to see any doc.. but was experiencing bleeding few days before.. do you have any bleeding during week 6 and 7?

Oh dear:/ I’m around the same week as you but I only arranged my first appointment at 8 week. Did you experience spotting before that?

3y trước

Oh I see! All the best 🫶🏼 Stay positive!