6 Replies

Would you personally sleep in the utility room? If answer is yes, then okay. Make it comfortable for her so that she can have a good sleep. If the answer is no, get her to share a room with your daughter. Afterall, she is there to look after your child right? Invest in a pullout bed so it does not take much space in the room during daytime. Also, in this way, your helper would feel much more welcome and will be willing to work better for you. Remember, you hired a helper to help with caring for your child. She is still human :)

If your "utility room" has enough living space, you can offer that to her. Otherwise, I would suggest having her sleep in your daughter's room if you are comfortable with that idea. The utility room (if big enough) will be good for her as she will at least have her own private space. However, if it is too small, it shouldn't be offered.

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If it's the equivalent of a small cupboard I don't think it's the right thing to do. That said, if your helper doesn't mind and want her own private space etc

You can let the maid to sleep in the same room with your daughter. If you are not comfortable, you can shift your daughter to co-sleep with you.
