We have one daughter who is now almost seven years old. My husband and I were very happy with just having one child, but are now really feeling that we want one more baby. The problem is that he is 42 and I am almost 40 and I am not sure if i should be planning a pregnancy at this stage. What age did you have your kids? Any mums out there who got pregnant in their 40s?

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My mum gave birth to my sister when she was 40. She had a smooth pregnancy and everything went well. My sister is also very healthy. You will probably experience exhaustion more easily due to your age but I don't think that is a big issue. I'm sure your daughter can help you out with some simple tasks. When my sister was born my brother was 10 and I was 16 and my mum was able to dedicate her time to look after my sister and even till today their bonding is rather strong. I'm sure you won't regret your decision to have another!

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