We have one daughter who is now almost seven years old. My husband and I were very happy with just having one child, but are now really feeling that we want one more baby. The problem is that he is 42 and I am almost 40 and I am not sure if i should be planning a pregnancy at this stage. What age did you have your kids? Any mums out there who got pregnant in their 40s?

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Yes u should go for a 2nd one if both of u want. Mine is 7 yrs difference and financial wise it’s easier and lesser burden. Nowadays ppl marry late and give birth later. Technology is so advanced and ur gynae will advise u the tests to take.

I am 37 and already 14weeks. It should be OK if u want to have another baby. But it depend on the person. Trust to God and take a good care of urself. Eat right and healthy food. Nothing should be worried if u healthy dear.

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I had a daughter who just turn 21 last year and I have my #2 when I was 38. And I have my #3 by accident when I am 40. Both are very healthy. But be prepare to have the engery to play with them.

Age it's not a problem... I'm expecting fifth baby which last son was 9 years ago...and also I'm 40 ++....but u know I'm having great time ...

Nothing to worry. I am 41 years old pregnant first time with twins. Due for delivery this coming July 4th.

for the men it is not a problem to their age... for the women in higher age it is risky.. just explain to your husband

Jom pregnant mama... 😘 😘 Yg lain Allah yg tentukan... Setiap anak adalah anugerah yg sangat indah...

Maybe do a checkup. Age is not the only risk factor and may sometimes not be a risk
