We are off on a holiday next month: first time with the baby - who is only on formula feeds at the moment. Not sure what all to carry besides formula, bottles....should I rely on microwaving the bottles in hot water at our holiday apartment or carry a portable steriliser?

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If you've limited access to hot water do carry a hot water flask as well as some room temperature water. To be honest I would prefer a portable sterilizer if the luggage space permits. Call me anal but I prefer not to have my baby exposed to any rays from the microwave. The rays would have disappeared by the time she uses the bottle but no, still not comfortable with how the plastic bottles may react with the heat.

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If portable steriliser is not an option for you, you can try to use traditional boiling method in the hotel. Just add the steriliser tablet into the boiling water and put bottles in for about 15minutes. Alternatively, you can use Playtex disposable drop-ins to contain the milk and dispose after each use. It is very convenient and do not have to worry about the hygiene issues as it is pre-sterilised.

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A portable steriliser isn't very bulky - try the Pigeon compact steam steriliser. Otherwise, you can get sterilising tablets to save space. You just need to fill up a container with water, place the tablet in and soak the bottles. It's very convenient. I wouldn't use a microwave machine as well.

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I used boiled hot water to rinse and wash the bottle. I bring along a small brush to scrub the bottles. You are on a holiday and bringing too many baby stuff will be v inconvenient.
