
Wat will you mummies do if you found out your spouse was cheating on you while you are pregnant?!

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So sorry to hear that. I will definitely very upset! But I guess I will tell him that I know you betrayed me then I will keep silent and don't bring any argument (trying to make him feel guilty). And I will tell him, please ensure you pay money to me and baby!

Super Mom

Sorry to hear. I'd stay calm for the sake of baby, follow the flow and make smart decision. I find being emotional will impede my ability to make best decision for myself. Take it slow and allow yrself to heal.

Honestly, I'm not too sure myself. In theory I will say I will leave but if I am to be without support it would be a tough choice. But in the long run, I would choose to leave him early to save the hurt.

if it's emotional cheating, I'll forgive but never forget and give him another chance but if it repeats, I'll leave. if it's physical cheat, I'll leave straight away without giving another chance.

Impossible to forgive and forget. I will leave. Even if it means being a single mom. If a guy isnt there for you while you are at your worst definitely dont deserve you at your best.

It happens to me. I tried to talk things out but since he dont bother, i leave. i dont tolerate cheaters cos once they cheat, they always have the tendency to do it again.

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I will stay calm and move out to prepare for my pregnancy. I will confront only if I think I’m strong enough. Otherwise I will leave it to after baby is born.

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So sorry to hear that but I won't be able to tolerate it if he has done it before. For now maybe you can confront him and see if it's worth while keeping this marriage

6y trước

Its nt the first..hmm

Collect evidence first. Not just messages, must have pictures, consult a lawyer on how to give him a painful divorce financially.

Depends on how bad a cheating he has done. If it’s something I think I can forgive I’ll let it go for the sake of the child.