Newborn pamper
Wat brand to buy for newborn bb pamper? buy newborn pamper or small size pamper?

Hi. My baby is 16days old now. Been using Huggies Gold NB. 3kg-5kg. Becoz i gave birth at SGH hence they are using Huggies. So far so good. Bought online for bulk coz NB often change lots of diaper within a day.
Huggies for newborn diapers. My girl wore till she is 2 months. Then it became too tight for her. We changed to S size from then. We tried Merries, Pampers, Peek a Boo. I think Pampers is the best so far.
Huggies platinum is amazing. Very soft on newborn’s skin and very absorbent too. I used 2 packets of newborn before moving to size S cos huggies platinum cutting is quite big :)
I'm using Drypers Wee Wee Dry - NB. It's more affordable if you buy from redmart. 24 pieces, 3.50 (50% off). One day need to use close to 8 pieces, so 1 pack can last about 3 days.
Hi... suggest you buy 1 packet of new born diapers and 1 packet of small size diapers. You won’t know how big or small your baby until you’ve given birth. Scans can only estimate
Just get one or two packs of newborn will do. Lo will outgrow quite fast. I would suggest huggies or merries. You can sign up for free samples first before you decide too :)
Dun buy too many newborns, S also. Buy only if running out. Baby will outgrown it v fast. Huggies, mummy poko, pampers, Merries were good for their buttocks
Buy just one pack of NB size for a start. Then buy according to baby's weight after birth. I've been using Mamypoko Airfit tape diapers for my LO since she was born.
Just get 1 packet of nb first. Mine outgrown and go to S after 1 packet of nb. Pampers premium is good! There's a lazada 1 time offer for it. Go check it out!
Get sample for your newborn baby! New born size first after 1 month change to S? Depends on your LO.