Wanted to share this with everyone. How many hours does your child sleep now?

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My girl is 4 months old and she sleeps through from 11pm till 7am (~8 hours) with about 3 naps in between, each lasting about 1 to 1.5h hours. I would say that the chart you've uploaded is pretty accurate. However, for me, I follow the Wonder Weeks application to note my baby's leaps to see when she might be fussier which may disrupt her sleeping patterns. Babies go through growth spurts and the program helps to chart the baby's age and helps parents to know what to do when the baby is going through a leap so they won't be at a loss when their child suddenly becomes very fussy. http://www.thewonderweeks.com/

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My no.1 is 5.5 years old, she slept from 6pm-7pm to next day 5-6am, and no afternoon nap. I see some of my friends' kids are still taking afternoon nap and wondering if my child is not normal. This table is very informative! I somehow worry my first born doesn't have enough sleep. For my no.2, he is 2.5 years old and take 2 hours afternoon nap. He sleeps from 8pm to 6am in the next morning. So, he gets 12 hours sleep in total and within the normal hours of sleep. I feel young kids must have enough sleep daily else they will turn cranky and unable to concentrate well in school and any form of activities.

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