Husband during Child Birth
Hi, Would you want your husbands to be beside you while you give birth? Why and Why not?

No I read so much like pooping and vagina tearing. Idw my hubby see me s*** and also see baby come out from my vagina I scared he will not darE to touch me after birth fearing that he will hurt me... ever since I’m 2 months or 3 months preg he refuse to have sex with me fearing he will hurt the baby I just want our sex life back 😂he wants to see it tho says want to video everything but I’m shy
Read moreMy husband almost fainted when looking at me having epidural done. The nurses had to make him hot drinks, asked him to take a sit and breathe in and out while I was the one in contractions pain. His whole face turned white, so when I was in active labour… I told him to go out of the delivery suite as he will make me more worried and stressful.
Read moreI’m only coming to 8weeks, but my other half is already telling me that he won’t be much of a help during labour coz he has phobia of blood. He can’t even bear to see the transvaginal scan the other week. Coz he said he was already feeling groggy. Well.. I’ll see how it goes. I just hope he didn’t faint during my labour.
Read morei wanted him to be there but he went out drinking and couldnt make it as too drunk... gd thing he didnt make it cause while i pushed the baby i actually pooped. 🤣🤣🤣
Frankly speaking, gd to have but they cant do anything. My concern was more of him coming to settle the hosp bill since it wasnt my choice to choose the hosp! Hahaha
Yes so I have someone to chat with while waiting haha but for my no.2, no I guess? No one to take care of my toddler, don't trust her with anyone 🤷🏻♀️
Yes. He may faint from the blood in the end (he got slight phobia) but at least he is there 😂 I will insist. first time mum so wil need the moral support badly
My husband was there throughout my labor for both of my pregnancies. I'm due soon with our #3 and he still want to be there to witness everything!
yes, my husband was there throughout the whole procedure... wout him being there as a moral support I won't have gone through my 13hrs labor...
my hub stayed throughout for both labour. he dare to stand in front and see the crown of the bb and cut umbilical cord