Just want to rant. My husband is so childish and stingy. He was asking me if he needs to take away for my mum, then i said my mum got cook, if he wants then just buy some steamed bao for her as she likes those. And my husband said its unfair for him to buy as the food my mum cooks is not eaten all by himself, why he has to buy the bao for my mum? Then he criticises me for going out for meals with him using the rewards + cash from my credit card where he always pay using his own cash! He is kinda person that never bring me to fancy restaurant, and less than 5 times a year! Even on my birthday or his birthday, I am the one treating him. I just said if he wants can just buy some bao for my mum and he said me like tat?? Said me treating him unfair! I never have a meal more than $50 with him. Never go to fancy restaurant with him and he never gift me anything on my effort of giving birth and anniversary. I am so much upset, and now he blocked me in his Whatsapp!!!

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I am facing almost the same problem as you. he is very stingy to my parents. I know how you feel totally. hugs... for the sake of our kids.. we must stay strong. cannot let men affect us.

8y trước

buck up!