Wanna take my kids for a spectacular year end holiday. Price is not an issue. Looking for novel ideas.

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I have always felt that London is the perfect holiday destination for families. If your kids are into Harry Potter, you can opt for the package at Georgian house hotel which includes a walking tour of London landmarks featured in the Harry Potter films, as well as a 'Making of Harry Potter Tour' at the Warner Bros Studio, a short bus ride away. Inside the rooms themselves, guests will find spell books, potion bottles, cauldrons and trunks, along with authentic gothic interior finishes. Staff even light candles and play music as visitors walk into their special suites. The wizard chamber is £249, or £363 with the studio tour. If your kids are Jurassic park fans, then you can stay at the National history museum. The museum allows kids aged 7-11 stay next to T. rex and his friends for the night. They just need to bring their sleeping bag for the night. It costs $232 per child and $60 for accompanying adults. If your kids like toys, then they can participate in the hamlets dream sleepover. Every Saturday they let kids aged 5-11 take over the entire 7 floor of toys store over for the night. (You need to bring sleeping backs as well)

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How about a trip to Scandinavia? It will be winter and it is absolutely gorgeous and a icy wonderland. If your kids love the movie, "Frozen", winter in Sweden (where I am currently based) comes pretty damn close. You can catch Aurora Borealis (northern lights), play with snow and experience an authentic white Christmas. If you head up to the North of Sweden (Kiruna, Lulea, Pitea), you can even go ice fishing, ride on dog sleds and try reindeer meat. The Christmas market in the city of Jokkmokk is one of my favourite winter memories. Be warned though, it can get really really cold -- but if you're properly bundled up, a holiday in wintry Sweden can be super spectacular!

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How about a slumber with the stars at the chabot space & science center California. The former observatory is now a space and science Center that offers workshops, activity filler classes and A slumber party for kids. It's priced $108 per child and about $67 for an accompanying adult. Before they go to bed they will be served hot chocolate and snacks. The bed is the observatory deck which has been converted into a tented camping area. http://www.chabotspace.org/after-dark.htm

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How about roaring and snoring with new animal friends at Taronga zoo in Sydney? It's about $189 per hold and $246 per adult. You get a luxury Tent in the heart of the Taronga zoo where you get to go on a torch led night tour of the zoo with the zoo keeper and have a buffet dinner in the garden and wake up to the natural sounds of animals :) more information here: https://taronga.org.au/taronga-zoo/accommodation/roar-snore-bookings

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U can take a look at Club Med offers!!! Kids friendly and many locations to travel too. https://www.clubmed.com.sg