
Hi! Just wanna enquiry , I’m admitted now , doctor told me I’m 3cm dilated , but with no contraction how? Im 35weeks 2days

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I was 2cm dilated during my 37 weeks check up but there were no signs prior to that. I was admitted that day & gave birth in the evening. It will slowly start kicking in… to me it started feeling like I’m having a bit of a stomachache and need to go poop. Now is the best time for you to relax and get some rest. The doctors will definitely check on you every hour and will advise you accordingly.

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4y trước

doc can helpbdrag it to week 38 with meds

Usually will be admitted if you've already dilated that much. I was 3cm dilated with 3 of my children. The contractions will slowly kick in when gynae burst your waterbag. That's when you'll be in an active labour. Rest as much as possible. You need the energy to push.

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Yes usually 3cm dilated they are not suppose to let you go home. They will monitor your baby’s heartbeat and your contractions. Just TRY to rest as much as you can ok.