16 Replies

My pil did not help to take care of my baby. Hubby and i are both working. We put our baby in ifc. Reasons being we believe if found one that you are comfortable with (teachers and environment), baby will adapt accordingly, learn things faster and have better social skills. We have all heard of so many scary stories regardless of nanny, helper, ifc or cc. All have it pros and cons. Nanny and helper can only help take care of baby but cannot really teach them certain skills while ifc/cc can do both but babies tend to fall sick easily as they are expose to more virus. Conclusions, go with your gut feeling. If want to go for ifc, choose one you are comfortable with :)

At outram area... Nearer to where I stay

Infant care centre is better I guess, as there will be trained professionals taking care of your baby, and you will be carefree and feel secured to leave your child there. Whereas if you keep a help you will have to guide her each day what do or what not to. Keeping a help would no doubt let your baby be at home but then it will still be taxing for you to keep a tab on how all is going on at home. It would demand your total attention. In day care, your kid will have kids his age around and will have company, which will develop his social skills as well.

you can either go for a nanny care - where the nanny comes home and looks after your baby while your MIL is also there, if she is staying with you that is. but in that case, you have to make sure that the nanny follows your instructions and not what the MIL says. please be firm on this with the MIL as well. infant care is also an option but it is true that many infants tend to catch infections at such a young age when they are kept with other babies.

i feel that infant care baby tend to fall sick easier . some mothers still send their unwell baby there due to work issue. Nanny even when baby is unwell, u can send baby there and they will take care for u. Actually if u were to ask me, infant i dont think they can learn much also due to too young age.

IFC will allow child to bond with peers. In fact, my girl is so sociable as compared to some of my relatives and friends kiddos who were kept at home. Negatives of IFC are that child will fall sick more frequently but immunity will be built up. Do your necessary vaccinations like flu jab.

There are different pros and cons to infant care and getting a nanny. Think about what you really want and comfortable with. For me, I chose to get a nanny because I wanted my baby to get undivided attention as my baby wasn't an easy baby to start with.

of course child care. they get to mingle with peers their age, play and have activities catered for them. it's better for their development. maybe even cheaper too.

If you are able to find a experience nanny, i would say go for the nanny first. Let your little one build it's immunity before heading to childcare.

infant care as they gets to mingle with friends and their friends might have their milestone earlier somehow helps to influence them too :)

prefer infant care because they can learn thing fast. but U must prepare for the sicknesse

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