9 Replies

Is this the only test you’ve taken so far? And usually do you miss your period? And did you take it with the first urine? It does look quite faint which means positive but I would definitely check more just not to get hopes too high first!

usually will delay but not so many days. took one test before when I was late for 10 days and it was negative

It may and may not be positive as I ever had such faint line that turns out negative and positive (2 different cycles) and sometimes it’s evaporation line. Do test again with different test kit! Baby dust to you 💪🏼

I’m not sure but I took my test after 1 day missed period with afternoon pee and the positive line was as dark as the control line. Missed period for 16 days should be a dark line I think?

i had a faint line when I first tested too. because it was inconclusive I went to buy a different brand kit to try the next day and the positive line was very obvious.

how consistent is your cycle? very faint for 16 days missed period, usually should see very dark line by now.

Try to get the digital one, more accurate. Straight away will tell if youre pregnant

yeah will get a digital to test this coming Friday

Looks very faint! Try take morning urine and test again

this is from morning urine 😄

It is more accurate if you test with first urine.

Do another one! If it’s still same, you can request blood test at doctor.


Probably yes, but buy another one and test again

yeah will test again on Fri

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