Very upset! Bought a Tula for my 8-month old and showed my mother in law. However, she told me such ergonomic carriers are not good for babies' development, and will cause their bones at the hip area to grow outwards and affect their walking next time. She forbids me to put her on the carrier and says a good carrier should make sure that the legs are as closed as possible. Told her the m shape was from the babywearing consultants and she said that the consultants are out to earn people's money and will not take any responsibility if the baby does not develop well. How?????

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My mum and mil both listen to the pd more than me. So if you can get your child's doctor to reconfirm on the proper way to babywear ur child (pray hard that ur pd knows the correct way though haha), i think ur mil may be more convinced. Any other mums out there knows of pds who are babywearing experts as well?

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My boy has been carried almost daily or at least every other day in an ergonomic carrier since 4 months old. He's 2.5 years old now and walking perfectly fine. You could do a poll in Babywearing Singapore group and I'm sure there will be many more. How about showing a Straits Times article?

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