3 Replies

Sorry to hear about your loss. I have had 2 early miscarriage before. Currently pregnant. First one I went through D&C, second one was very very early so never go through anything. Just have faith and patience. Don't be stressed or pressured. I wish you and husband all the best and may you be able to conceive again soon.

Sorry to hear that. I ever had 2 miscarriages at 18weeks & 8 weeks last year. I know it's not easy. Life was miserable after my first miscarriage. I am currently pregnant again. I pray that you will be strong emotionally & physically and able to conceive again soon! Do not give up hope!

Thank you Pris C. Pls take care. Praying that your baby will be healthy

Chemical Pregnancy. Mine 2 times. Yup, only give antibiotics to clear the empty sac.

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