Echogenic Bowel

We've just had our 20 week detailed scan. We are 20 wks 3 days today. Found out we're carrying a baby boy! (My elder daughter's wish come true!) We were also informed that there was echogenic bowel found during the scan and this carry certain risks that needs to be investigated further. We have been recommended to take the harmony test, to confirm the low risk that baby does not have Down Syndrome, or other possible chromosomal defects. We are trying to be positive because our last (2nd) preg was terminated at 21wks 3 days in March this year because she had Down Syndrome and other severe physical defects. Has anyone else had echogenic bowel found in their 20 week scan? Can you share your experiences?

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Hello, I don’t really have an answer but just wanted to say I’m in a similar boat! Also at 20wks 3 days today and did my detailed scan ytd where they found an echogenic bowel. I already did the harmony test, in which I was at low risk for all, but doc ordered some blood tests and an amniocentesis for me. From what I’ve read online, it sometimes turns out to benign so try not to worry. Im a bit worried too but also trying to stay positive. You can do it!

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2mo trước

hi. I was searching for more articles ever since baby was diagnosed wif echogenic bowel a few days ago. now am worried. hope tings are fine for you.

No idea about that. But I wish your baby to be healthy.