30 Replies

I’m thinking of buying one too but I heard mixed things from friends. Some say it works very well for their babies some say it doesn’t. So I guess it depends on the child. Planning to just use some audio clips first on my laptop or phone and if it works well for my baby then will invest in a proper white noise machine for convenience.

For mine it's ok.. I use the shushing sound.. I use on app.. If not YouTube.. If not I'll use my own mouth to shush if I don't feel thristy after shushing 15min and still not sleeping.. Haha

played for ahwile...doesnt put the baby to deep sleep but the parents instead >< ...also my husb snore constantly throughout the night, tts our 'white noise' for now

Super Mum

For my baby, it can calm her down for a while when she cries, but doesn’t help for sleep. Both my kids like it with just the normal fan’s sound.

VIP Member

I used to use the app but it only worked for a while. Subsequently, I just played nursery rhymes

VIP Member

I didn’t. I just switch on the tv. I wouldn’t want my LO to be keep waking up due to noise

VIP Member

Tried but didn't work for my LO. She need absolute silence to sleep.


doesnt seem effective for my kid. only used a couple of times.


I don't but I play those mozart etc lullaby for her.

I use a it purifier for my baby. Works like a bomb

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