Baby tongues

Use wet cloths to wipe but still can't clean it. Any others suggestion ?

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It's really not necessary to clean your baby's tongue

Thành viên VIP

I think it's fine, no need to be 100% clean(:

How about use toothbrush to gently brush the tongue?

6y trước

Only 2months can use brush ? I worry I hurt his tongue

Super Mom

By right should be able to... Maybe try gauze?

6y trước

Thanks I will go n buy it

Thành viên VIP

Hi... it’s ok to not ‘scrub’ baby tongue

6y trước

Ok, coz some said later will have infection coz those mill stain

Not necessary to clean the baby tongue

Thành viên VIP

I bought NUK wet wipes for tongue

Super Mom

Tooth brush

Nit necessary to clean. If u insist wipe is enough

Thành viên VIP

I use baby oral wipes