Any one up and unable to sleep wanna chit chat ? ? any suggestions on where to go tmr PH with family ?

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Thành viên VIP

i wanted movies too! But waiting for minions to be out next month! So it shall be a stay home day! moreover it's a gloomy days

7y trước

Yeah.. okay. It's relaxing to stay home today too w such sleepy weather 🤣

Thành viên VIP

😭 i want to bring my kids out! But i am 30 weeks preg and husband has to work tomorrow due to sales. so i'm stuck home

7y trước

No choice only have to find safer alternatives like malls coz of the gloomy weather 😅 bring them go movies ?

Thành viên VIP

i think everywhere is crowded.. so i book hi tea session and intend to bring lo to explore others indoor playground..

7y trước

Yeah same here. We went cool de sac and super crowded 😣

head to the beach?