August Long Weekend

Hi any suggestions where to go on 9- 12 August long weekend? We have 3yo and 9mo.

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Somewhere kids friendly like a resort in Bintan or Batam or if you don’t mind a flight Phuket or Bali could be an interesting option. Have fun!

Maybe a road trip to johor or mallaca, as you can stop regularly when needed. or take a nice staycation in sentosa

Phuket, Thailand? Saw on a site that many of the island’s resorts offer kids clubs and babysitting services.

Maybe batam if u wan a avoid the jam? 4 days might be too rush for places like taiwan and hk

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How about a cruise or a trip to Legoland with the kids?

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Maybe a staycation or nearby like Bali, Bintan

Bali is a nice place to visit at that time.

How about Legoland?? My boy loves it there!

5y trước

Thanks. But very jam to go to Johor.

Staycation at sentosa, or batam!

I would suggest a family cruise