My twin are 7mths+ now.. My elder son has been slping with me while my younger son has been slping with my inlaws since birth... As at night i still wake up to express milk and my hubby will be slping that i can't handle both togther if put in my room. Thus hubby suggested to put one of them to my inlaws room. Initially i tried to put both in my room to take care of them.. but often while doing pumping during the night, they cried and i alone difficult to take care of them.. (sometimes will wake hubby up to look after them! If not i will stop pumping and carry them till they sleep then i continue to pump...thus im super lack of sleep!) I am worried that my younger son will not recognise me as his mother. Will he thinks my mil is his mother? As mil has been taking care both of them while im working.. Recently has this feeling tat younger son seldom smile to me but to them he smile.. Kind of hurt and sad.. i even thou of maybe to stop my pumping so i can have more time to spare for them and consider to bring the younger one over to my room. Feeling sad..

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Joyce, I totally understand what you mean. bear in mind that you are working in order for you to bring them up comfortably. if you really are uneasy, the best is to leave the job. we can live with minimal. for me I choose watching and spending time with my kids and family above everything else. It's not as comfortable but it can be done.

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Hey dear, what about trying to spend time with him after work, tucking him into bed or reading him a book before he sleeps. and spending time with him on your off days.

7y trước

i have drag my pump schedule to 4 hrly so i can spend more time with the younger one. once i free will play with him. but just tat whenever at night he cried i will go over to their room wanted to carry him..however fil always carry him tight tight and dun intend to pass him to me. 🙁 i was so reluctant back to return back to my room.. felt so sad tat he is crying but i cant hug him... i cant said much to both inlaws as they do help up to take care of them while im at work... haizzz....