2 Replies

Yes, the NIPT is around $200 lesser if you do FTS first at KKH (provided your results show high risk). Been there, done that (2 months ago). However, I would advise you to go straight for NIPT as it provides a more accurate result and saves you from the emotional trauma from bad FTS results. You get to know the gender sooner as well. The wait for NIPT result is 2 weeks and it will be a long wait if your FTS result is bad.

May I know how much is the FTS test in KKH?

Yes it’s true, NIPT is $700+ if you opt for it yourself, but if you do FTS first and there’s a high risk and gynae recommends you to do NIPT after, it will be subsidised. But the subsidy is not that much, after subsidy about $500-600+ so we decided to do NIPT first instead of waiting.

May I know if you know the price of the FTS at KKH?

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