13 Replies

I am both a TTSH healthcare professional and a mommy to be with KKH. I can rest assure you that ALL hospitals across Singapore are geared up to handle suspect cases and have put in place precautionary measures to screen and manage suspects and confirmed cases. For the latest updates on the new 2019 n-COV, you can always refer to the MOH website (i trust this website and not social media platforms) : https://www.moh.gov.sg/2019-ncov-wuhan Our advise to everyone: diligently practice good personal hygiene and social responsibility by washing your hands regularly with soap and water and wear a face mask if unwell. Take care :)

Super Mum

All suspected patients are sent to selected wards with isolation facilities. So you don’t have to be too scared. While in common areas, protect yourself by wearing a surgical face mask, and carry hand sanitisers with you to wash your hands after touching any public thing including lift buttons, railings, etc. For now, if you can avoid going to other public places, try to.

from MOH. can get updates on Health Buddy app. my opinion: i read they will use kkh if the patient is 16 year old and below. and even so, special precaution will be taken and not let that patient to be freely roam around the hospital. the patient will be attended immediately and isolated from others of course.


Pls la. There is no chance of cross contamination because the nurses in the labour ward will not be tending to the infected patients! Exercise your own judgement and don't be swayed by such news that aims to instill fear and disbelief in people.

Totally agree!! Lame rumors

Now all restructured hospitals are taking in suspected cases already. Maybe wear a mask when you are there? And if you are worried, you can ask the hospital about the precautionary measures they are taking?

Avoid hospitals if you can.but if you have upcoming appointments, just use a mask. Whichever hospital you go to, no point being paranoid about it. Singapore is kinda small.

VIP Member

I think it is just rumors. But honestly, all the public hospitals are being “utilized” at the moment. Unless you want to swop to private hospital.

Yes it's TRUE! It's better not to risk your life and your baby life. Try to opt to go NUH or private call up kkh and ask for more information on this

Now I know why the government set up POFMA , can’t blame them

Super Mum

Stay with your current hospital and exercise hygiene standards

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