Do you travel during pregnancy ? And where did you go ? Further away or and which week ?

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Went to Taiwan during the first trimester but it was bad cos I was having morning sickness so didn't really had a good appetite.

Best time is on 2nd trimester. 1st trimester scared miscarriage. 3rd trimester scared early labour

I travelled to Taiwan ard wk 24 for 1 wk and to Korea between wk 33-35+6 haha came back 1 day before wk 36

7y trước

I went Seoul n Jeju and even climb up Seoul tower ahah I think is very good exercise and helps alot in my delivery

Thành viên VIP

I didnt dare to travel as i have placenta previa. Im afraid that i will bleed when i am overseas.

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JB touch & go only. Dont dare to travel any further when it comes to 2nd trimester & above.

Went Bangkok for babymoon at 27-28th week! Didn’t dare to travel too far away 😛

Normally travel between 2 and 3 trimester But I avoided coz of previous mishaps

I was thinking of going to Switzerland but it was too near my delivery date..

I went to US when I was 22 weeks pregnant. Took a straight flight 15 hours.

Yes I do still travel to nearby country like Malaysia, Bangkok and Taiwan