Toddlers respond
Hi my toddler is 22 months but she doesn't respond if we call her name. What should I do?
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hi dear. sy ibu kepada a six years mild autism and speech delay girl. i found out anak lain sikit masa 1tahun 8 bulan. babble bahasa alien, no responding to me and less eye contact. please refer to pakar untuk rule it out. mana tahu tongue tie ke. lip tie ke.. ada masalah mata or telinga jadi kuran responsive. jgn takut! doctor will help you. i am also here if u wanna talk
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5y trước
setuju, jumpa pakar kanak2. and they will do some test for ur children
Maybe try jumpa paediatrician.
tq dear
Yes agreed. Please refer paed
boleh jumpa pkar knk2
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