8 Replies

1 egg yolk is the max u can give for a meal in a day. Hard boil, just use the yolk only. Add some fm or bm to make it a mash. If there is something regular that u always feed LO, consider adding egg yolk (mashed from hard boil) to it

Thanks again! Always like your advice. Just what i need to know!

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I gave hard boiled egg at first too and mashed it up. But my baby is not fond of eggs. Even fried egg yolk also doesn't like. Steam egg with minced meat we also tried before and she ate only a bit

Sounds tricky! i personally am not a fan of the yolk, be it hard boiled, half boiled, fried or runny... fingers crossed that my lo will be more adventurous than myself! thanks for sharing.

I mash the eggs/egg white or egg yolk, add a tinge of butter and serve warm. Taste really good, I eat the balance myself.

ooh, you make it sound so yummy! thanks!

My boy hates hard boiled egg yolk. But he is ok with steam egg/scramble egg ( yolk n white) currently 10 month old

I brought my LO to 9 mths check up yest and the nurse had the same recommendation!

mine was at cck polyclinic. haha

You can mix the egg yolk with your breast milk or formula too. Creamy yums!

ok got it. thank u for sharing this.

VIP Member

Hard boil egg you can mixed with porridge. Egg porridge

Got it! thanks so much!

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