How to help 17th month old to stop using pacifier?

Any tips or recommendations on how to help a toddler to stop using pacifier? Need help. At night he will cry murder, days too esp when he is cranky. 😭#firstmom #advicepls #pleasehelp #firstbaby #firsttimemom

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My elder kid stop his pacifier when he around 3 years 6 month. As he bite spoilt his pacifier, thus i told him not buying him new pacifier already. My 2nd kid stop his pacifier around 2 years old as he lost his pacifier. i told him i will be buying new one but hoping he will forget about it. so far he can sleep wothout pacifier already. For the 1st few days or weeks they may not get use to it, but eventually they will be able to sleep without pacifier. this method work for my kids, but i not sure about yours.

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