For those with kids when trying for second baby, how many times before ovulation have you tried doing the deed and got pregnant?
I have been trying for 5th month this time, past few months record only 2-4 times before ovulation.
Because our girl sleeps with us and she always sleep later than usual sometimes we are too tired to try after she sleeps.
Have started taking blackmores conceive gold, ba Zhen soup, dom and longan red dated tea to "bu" myself
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During ovulation..Zhun zhun that day . We usually used the sticks to measure and get bingo .
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7y trước
Tried liao still din get:(
Depends on age mah. I am in my thirties and it took me 8 cycles to have second baby
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7y trước
I am 33 yo. Good to hear that you took less than a yr.