natural birth

hi all. for those who had natural birth can share ur experience! like how does natural birth works ? will it be lesser pain than induce?

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I gave birth to 5 lovely babies. 1st, 3rd, 5th no epidural and 2nd, 4th with induced epidural, well babies too big size😅All full terms. All natural vaginal birth. I had a super fast n easy childbirth. only 1 word. trust your instincts. usually the pain can last long but bearable until the real unbearable in between when dilate. unable to walk or even wheelchair felt uncomfortable below. breathing involved too. deep in and release slowly. Frankly, recalling only the gynae will tell u when to push yet confused how. Well with epidural, u really dun know the contractions come, so guidances need to help to push the little fellow out. So if without epidural, the midwife or gynae will tell u that is dilated and this is the time the pain comes and can push. 3 stages, crowning, body and final push. very fast. of cos, they will give u the gas to numb abit but not to much as it gives u dizziness n vomit. all the best👏🏻

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5y trước

thanku for being so specific!

Super Mom

no surgery involved..but you can still opt for pain relief - there are epidural, laughing gas or pethidine injection. or you can choose not to ise pain relief at all. induction just means medical intervention to stimulate labour

Thành viên VIP

Ive had 3! What do u want to know?

5y trước

Well someone asnwered for u already. All i can say is natural is way better den induction.. induction the pain is like frm the start n more intense..depends on the gynae n the midwife who guides u, ive been really lucky i didnt have any tears or cuts or stitches at all

Long wait and pain