
This was a huge debate between my aunt and my self on what age shud a baby be getting solids this isnt my first child this is my third So the arguement started when she asked my how old my baby is and if she started eating where by my answer was no as my baby is only 3 months old So she started going off at me saying she fed all her kids and she has 5 when they were 3 months now I know the clinics and docters have explained that babies can only eat solids from 6 months as their tummy r not ready for it Her answer was DO NOT LISTEN TO THE NURSES AND THE DOCTERS AT THE HOSPITAL AND CLINICS U SHUD START GIVING THE BABY FOOD NOW I just looked at her changed the subject and walked away Was I right in saying so Or was I being rude to her when I said no

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My husband mom actually agreed on what my aunt said was wrong which was such a shock to me thou Nd my baby is growing fine she looks tiny but I dont want her to be overweight I told her that I fed all my kids at 6 months but according to her I am so wrong so I wont be going there to visit her my cousins girlfriend is pregnant now nd I'm so sure she pressures her to listen to wat she has to say nd I'm happy I ain't her thou My aunt scares me everytime as a born again Christian she really scares me she is catholic nd she goes to tarot card readers and fortune tellers and stuff she even has her own deck her cards is of Angel's nd wat the Angel's say is going to happen to u in the future so I always tell my kids dnt go in that room she prayers to mother Mary but the heart nd mind is on what someone said about her future lol so apart from that nd the treatment I get from her she ain't seeing my face she will see me in 3 years time maybe and that is a big maybe

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Super Mom

Nope you did the right thing:) Babies can start between 4 and 6 months, but it depends on whether they are ready. They will need to be able to sit up with support and have good neck support. They should also have good gag reflexes and be able to accept the spoon. They need to show an interest in food too. Different babies start at different times, and worldwide, many babies are recommended to start at 6 months. Anyway, you are the mummy so you decide:) Recent news articles have resurfaced, with young babies dying because their parents/grandparents/relatives fed them when they were too young. Your aunt probably didn’t read them, but it’s okay. As long as you know what’s best for your child (wow, 3 children! I’m trying to cope with 2 😂), then be proud of your decisions:)

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4y trước

High five to that. Haha