Is appearance important after becoming a wife / mum?
Do you think we as a wife / mum should always look neat and well presented?

Well, more than determining if it's important to look neat and presentable after getting married or having a child, I think it's important to determine how it makes you feel. For example, irrespective if you're married or a mum, it is important to be well dressed/groomed for your job. But there might be times you just want to chill in your PJs the whole day and binge-watch romcoms on Netflix.
Read moreDefinitely! I think while the baby takes priority over everything it's important that we pay attention to ourselves too. Not to appeal to others but so we can feel good and confident. Even if there's not much time for myself I try to stay clean and presentable at least. If not slowly I'd start feeling miserable which is ultimately bad for baby too.
Read moreWe are women first and foremost then Wife and Mother. Being neat and well presented is a basic in life. We owe it to ourself to feel good and look good. We do this for ourself and it will then inspire people around us
love ur answer💓💓💓
yes to a certain extend, but realistically you can always keep it simple in terms of basic grooming, and occasionally dress up to make yourself feel better :D
For her own confidence and good mind, mums should still look presentable (as should dads!). Not all the time, but its important to maintain that appeal all round too :)
We should always be neat and presentable for ourselves as we represent us. The first thing people see is your look before talking to you.
Yes. But need to maintain. Although, I said it is important. But I didn't manage to have good appearance after became a mother.
At home no la. But if outside yes for me. No need to be like pretty or what la. Being neat is important
Of course. Even if you live until 80 years old also should always look neat and well presented 😊
It’s always important but for me lazy to dress up like very good except any occasions ..
Queen bee of 1 adventurous boy