do you think parents who are educators naturally will make good parents?

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Agree n disagree. I would say educators may know what works for most children n may have certain gd habits like being associated with books thus inculcate gd reading habits etc ( not to say others don't read but eg when they are marking etc, they are seen with books- reading n writing) monkeys see monkeys do ( ESP when they are younger) But usually cannot teach their own children as they tend to be stricter n has less patience for them (just like how it is almost impossible for older siblings to teach younger siblings )

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No. When it comes to ur own child, ur expectations towards them will be much higher than u are towards ur students. For me, i am very patient towards my students but when it comes to my own kid, i flare up alot... So wad is meant by being a good parent? I'm still trying my best to reduce my flare ups..

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There's no occupation that can prepare you to be a good parent - even if you're an educator or caregiver because it's just different looking after your own child.

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Not really. it depends on characters and upbringing. I have read enough articles of educators who did bad enough things to kids...

It really depends. Being a teacher to our own kids.We will always be much stricter and have higher expectations to our kids.

I think it depends. I’ve seen educator parents who are super strict and another who are super chill.

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No. Even parents who are teachers themselves send their kids to be teach by others.

Nope. Its different educating your own child.