4 Replies

Hi, Joan! I do hope that it is nothing serious but as for your query, i would suggest to still seek your doctor to ensure your health and safety. You may discuss with your doctor about how often should you (or shouldn't) undergo the mammogram test basing on your personal preferences, medical history as well as your individual breast cancer risk. Based on research, mammogram isn't so accurate and perfect so it is still best to always have a checkup and talk to your doctor.

If the discharge is bloodstained and from a single breast, the cause is likely to be a duct papilloma. A papilloma is a harmless wart-like growth, usually about 1-2cm in size, found inside one of the breast ducts. The papilloma is usually just behind the nipple and can cause fluid or blood to seep out of the nipped. It's usually non cancerous but to have peace in mind, no harm to go to doctor to check...

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Perhaps you can do a self- examination: http://www.singaporecancersociety.org.sg/get-screened/breast-cancer/breast-self-examination.html But do schedule an appointment if required. Take care!!

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