Is there some platform for confession? Can I made a confession here? I just screamed at my 2 month old boy until he jumped n stop crying for that 2 seconds n continue to cry. I'm a bad momma. I know I've scared him. Now he's cry until he fell asleep. Although it's time for his milk soon. I hate myself when I can't handle him. And I tear small surgical tape to tape his pacifier to his mouth for 30min. I cried after that.

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your first child and you are handling it alone? mummy it's overwhelming new mothers who are unable to understand what their baby is crying about.. please don't tape his mouth. he may suffocate. instead, if u are alone, walk away aft placing baby in a safe area. Take a deep breath and count to ten. go back to your baby. Seek help if you feel overwhelmed

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I have to urge you to get help. Physical and emotional help. If you look back on your actions, it is verging on physical abuse. my baby was incredibly colicky during thr newborn stage and literally can cry for 2-3 hours at a stretch WITHOUT STOPPING but I never and would never dream of taping my baby's mouth shut. Reach out for help!!!

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He's crying cuz his pacifier dropped out while he's trying to fall asleep and I'm trying my best to pump beside him. (Don't ask me to direct latch I got my reason to be an EP mum) nvm I'm Not taping anymore. spouse, friends, all gotta work? Who is gonna take leave just for u? all other family members are not free.

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7y trước

U mentioned spouse, friends all got to work. But how about your parents or parents in law? Have you try to speak out your frustration? Don't vent your anger on your baby. Baby is only 2 months old not knowing anything yet. Baby need u now. Time will pass and they will grow up, slowly your child will get more independent. Give yourself and your baby some time to adapt. Take a deep breathe. I know it's not easy but I'm sure u can do it. I'm a mother of 2.

Hi mummy, pls don't shout at ur baby. He is innocent n won't understand at all. I know it is hard for us mummy to take care the kids alone and no matter how tired we are, we still have to care for them. Try to cool down and think of how to get help. Maybe u could get a helper if possible.

Hugs mummy, it is not easy. Is this your first child? Is there anyone helping you with your Son? If no, can ask family members to help you look after for a day or 2 so that you can take a break and go out for some me time? Do continue to post here for support.. you need it now..

No judgement. Actually I found this story so funny because it’s so relatable. I just wish I thought to tape my child’s pacifier to their face sooner. 😅 I sometimes just leave the room and let the child cry until they’re tired.

I feel you mum. The guilt is too much when we feel like we're not doing the right thing or we've done the wrong things. But always remember that we can always choose to do things with love and when we do, our children would know.

Babies only cry for few reasons; hungry, wet diaper, tummy got wind, sleepy, want to be carried. When you learn which cries mean what then you will be able to handle better. I feel you as my 8wk baby also cries a lot.

Hey, u can try to get ur good frenz over to help u abit? Or ask ur mum or in laws to help u for awhile while u take some rest? Itz really not easy. Pls dun blame urself. Try to ask someone to go over to help u if possible ok?

Yes I'm a first time mom and No. They are not free. No one is helping me. It's ok. I just shouted at my boy again. He didn't sleep till 1am+ I am a bad momma. But I love my boy.