Is there some platform for confession? Can I made a confession here? I just screamed at my 2 month old boy until he jumped n stop crying for that 2 seconds n continue to cry. I'm a bad momma. I know I've scared him. Now he's cry until he fell asleep. Although it's time for his milk soon. I hate myself when I can't handle him. And I tear small surgical tape to tape his pacifier to his mouth for 30min. I cried after that.

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U mentioned ur baby 1am plus then sleep. Mayb u could reduce his nap time and create some routine. This way u can rest too. Jia you! Hugs!

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Dont tape surgical tape to tape his pacifier to his mouth. Its really dangerous. Cool down yourself

Please tell your hubby or your mum about your frustrations and ask for help please!

Babies cry because they have real reasons to...

Honey, have you any other forms of support?

big hugs mommy, you need the support now

You’re alright. It will get better.