Folic Acid

Hi there, would like to know if I should start eating folic acid? I am in my 5th week have not seen a doc yet.

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Congrats on the good news. I visited polyclinic to confirm my pregnancy and the doctor prescribed me with folic acid and reminded me to consume it everyday! So you should too!

I took folic acid even bef I got pregnant....(prep body for conception) then when I found out I m pregnant I jus shifted to pregnant vitamins contains folic acid as well. :)

Congrats mummy u should start now. If u nd some folic acid I hv extras. I am in my 10th wk and just visited the poly so my supply is stl alot even b4 tis I purchase my own.

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I ate while trying to conceive and continued all the way through pregnancy. Only stopped when doctor prescribed a multivitamin from 3rd month which also contains folic acid

I started last month because i knew it was trying. I think its important to start right away. actually, better if before conception but no worries just start taking now.

I'm 5 weeks pregnant too and I am already taking folic acid. It's very important for the baby's development especially during the first trimester... According to my OB.

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Yes! Folic acid is a must until week 12. It helps in baby's neuro and spine developments. Some doctors recommend to start taking it when you are trying to conceive.

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You may start to take folic acid if you like already. Not necessary to wait till seeing doc. Even before pregnancy I heard some ladies already started taking them.

yes, the earliest possible time. it's the first prenatal vitamin my OB asked me to take. better nga if you were taking it even before conception. :) congrats!

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Yes. Even women trying to get pregnant take it. Do see a doctor between 6 - 8 weeks; around this time, the sac and hopefully, the heartbeat can be seen. ☺️