From Chinese dr perspective, cold drinks are bad for womb. We need our body and womb to be "warm" for the foetus. Hence I didn't drink cold drinks. Probably once or twice throughout my pregnancy. Also cos I don't like cols drinks so I am not craving for it.
Hmm as long as your doctor says ok then ok. I've been eating ice cubes since first trimester till labor. My daughter are 100% healthy... no problem and no sickness.
ive been drinking coke so much to burp hahahaiss bc whenever i drink like tea or milk contain, i tend to feel more nausea and headache.
It wont effect your baby at all..bcoz if u take plain cold water it fine.. but if u take cold drink like milo ais mybe u should to limit..
My gyne said it's ok to drink iced water because when the water enters the body, it will change to your body temp so no effect to baby.
Cold drinks r okay. But not sugary or gassy drink. Coz u dont wnt to get gest diabetes. Everything in moderation is ok
Try to cut down. Cos from TCM view, it will cause baby’s lungs to be weaker and more prone to cough or flu in future
Hmm ideally best not to drink it too often. I Guess it’s due to the belief that the stomach will be cold
Moderate. Though the weather is humid try not to take too cold drinks. Drink more red date Logan tea! (:
Everyone around me also tell me i xannot drink cold water. But still..... im drinking it like once a day