8 Replies

Actually that was when i know that i was pregnant, i went to GP to check because im having cramps for days because its kinda wierd i have a PCOS and havent got my period for a long time (7months already since the last time), I even woke up in the middle of the night because of the cramps. Then when the GP checked on me, he told me i was pregnant and immediately referred me kkh to see obgyn. I was told i was in early stage of pregnancy (that time it was 3weeks). Doctor told me it was normal because my uterus is expanding and my body is still adjusting to the changes. I should just call if i notice any bleeding or what. And just take panadol for the pain.

It’s normal to have cramps, similar to your menstrual period because your uterus is expanding! However, if the pain is bad/unbearable which is unlike your menstrual cramp, please go to A&E!

Is it via IVF? Prickling is normal as it is caused by embroyo implantation. Also I don’t think it’s counted as 1-2 weeks but 3-4 weeks

VIP Member

I remembered this happening to me back then and usually its the uterus stretching and stuff. If it gets bad or bleeding go to the hospital ok

Yup, like period cramp. But pls go to a&e if accompanied by abnormal bleeding

I had bad cramps only at night it wakes me up at night

Normal. Just monitor for any excessive bleeding.


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