Suddenly my LO seem attached to my breast and refused bottle feeding. How to make him drink with bottle as I am going back to work soon.

mine also like that for 2 times, first time is between 3-5 months, my MIL have to tried everyday to feed her with bottle, and every lunch time I hv to go home to bf her, I tried many types of bottle nipple but in the end return to medela bottle, haven't tried mimijumi/comotomo though. then around 12-14 months she act again, bcos I change the milk brand, she refuse bottle again but by that time she already have solids so I'm not too worry, after that I sent my maid home and send her to infantcare, and switch back to the first milk brand she drank, miraculously she drink the milk from bottle on her 1st day at IFC (but only at the IFC, at home still refuse drink from bottle for few months), maybe too hungry waiting for the feeding time there 😂.
Read moreVery common issue. Early success doesn't mean a guarentee that baby will always take from bottle. Breastfeeding is warm, cozy, and involves his favorite person which is you- his mum. This is the reason why he is resisting to take milk from bottle after trying it. Babies are really smart actually, sometimes they know they can get your boobs as long as they persist long enough. You just have to persevere. Like what I mentioned, have someone else to feed and you just stay away. Once your baby sees or smells you, might be harder for him to drink from bottle. All the best to you!
Read moremaybe he knows you're going to work soon...try to get other people to feed him (and hide/get out of the house) during feeding time so that he have to drink from the bottle? also try talking to him...telling him mummy still loves you even if you're drinking from the bottle etc etc...babies do listen. :)
Read moreNot sure if it'd help but have you tried a different bottle / teat? I had trouble getting my daughter to take the bottle for a period but changing the teat helped. Some teats have a more similar shape to the breast. I had success with the Tommee tippee closer to nature bottle
I tried. Even tried pigeon and philip! Whenever i tried to bottlefeed him, he will cry like mad till he is tired. Breastfeed him eventually to calm him down
Are you the one feeding him with the bottle? Try to get someone else to feed him and don't let him see you because baby will think why you are there and yet you are feeding him using bottle.
Yes i am feeding him. Previously there is no problem in bottle feeding him. Suddenly he refused bottle.
This time we need a helping hand to make baby comfy for feeding instead of u it may helps to change their feeding habits
You may refer to the following link for reference:
Try and get other members of your family to feed him instead, slow progress but it will be fine eventually(:
I ask my mum feed instead. After few try, she is fine with it. But when she see me, boob on again. Lol
He may prefer to attach instead of bottle Try getting someone else to bottle feed with u not around