13 Các câu trả lời

Hi Mr Liew, would Life Insurance cover the same items like Health Insurance such as hospitalisation and critical illness? Sounds like the coverage overlaps and not sure if I need both or just one

Life , hospitalisation & critical illness are cater for different needs . Life insurance covers death and total permanent disablement. Health insurance is to cover the cost of hospitalisation, where else Critical illness pays a lump sum cash to the insured when he/she are struck with critical illness. Is recommended to have life , hospitalisation and critical illness so that all areas are covered.

Hi Mr Liew. apakah pakej insurance yang jimat yang sesuai untuk seluruh keluarga? Adakah insurance untuk baby perlu diambil dari seawal dalam kandungan ibu lagi? mohon penjelasan 🙏

Family Medical Takaful yang paling jimat dan sesuai untuk seluruh keluarga. Ya, ini memastikan kesejahteraan ibu dan bayi melalui perlindungan pranatal dan postnatal serta perlindungan untuk si kecil.

Good day Mr. Liew. Is it true the younger my child is when I buy a policy, the better it will be? Or in what age would you recommend parents to buy a policy for their child?

Yes. The entry premium will be lower when the age are younger. Chances to be accepted by the company is also higher because they are healthier. As early as 13th weeks into pregnancy .

Hi Mr. Liew, how do I choose being life insurance, critical illness and hospitalisation? Especially if I can't afford to hold and maintain so many insurance plans?

Is advisable to prioritise your needs based on your budget. We would recommend you to take up hospitalisation plan first, followed by critical illness and life insurance . However , there are plans that combined all of the above with affordable premium . You should speak to licensed insurance agent.

Selamat petang En. Liew, bagaimana untuk memilih pelan insurans untuk keluarga saya? Jumlah pendapatan kami hanya RM5000 sebulan dan kami mempunyai 3 orang anak.

Family Medical Takaful yang paling jimat dan sesuai untuk seluruh keluarga. Untuk pencari nafkah, amat disyorkan untuk mendapat perlindungan insurance hayat dan penyakit kritikal kerana ini akan menolong mengantikan sumber pendapatan untuk sekeluarganya.

Hi Mr. Liew, any maximum age for insurance? My parents are elderly and have been turned down before. Worried about covid and other complications... TQ

Yes . Maximum age is 70 and is subject to their health conditions.

Hi Mr Liew, betul ke insurance utk baby hanya boleh diambil selepas baby lahir? ada beza ke kalau ambil insurance biasa dengan takaful? thank you

Insurance baby boleh diambil seawal 13 - 36 minggu mengandung. Tiada perbezaan dari segi perlindungan , tetapi Takaful tertakluk kepada undang undang Syariah dan kerajaan dan insurance tertakluk kepada undang undang kerajaan.

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Is it OK if i only take accident insurance for my kids? Because they rarely fall sick so I think to take up for accident only. Thank you

Insurance is a risk transfer tools as nobody can guarantee what will happen to them. Therefore, it is recommended to take up a health insurance as it covers both accident and sickness. Sickness such as Covid-19 is covered under health insurance.


Hi Mr Liew, Pelan apakah yang terbaik untuk anak kecil apatah lagi di waktu pandemik ini dan bermacam jenis virus yang ada? Terima kasih

Pelan hospitalisation yang mempunyai perlindungan Covid adalah yang terbaik untuk anak kecil.

Does insurance monthly payments become cheaper if we buy earlier for our children and what is the earliest age for coverage?

Yes . 15 days upon delivery.

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