NIPT Harmony results from KKH

Sorry if this is a sensitive qn. May I know for those that took Harmony test for their NIPT down syndrome test at KKH, and it was bad news aka high risk, how long did they take to call you from the day you took the blood test? Just want to mentally prepare myself for any calls from KKH.

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Hi, I did harmony test in end aug and was told that if they did not call me it would be a good news. I had my next appt ard 3 wks later and every thing is well. I also found out the baby’s gender.

2y trước

That’s great news! It’s only the waiting time that’s killing me..

Hi! I just took my harmony test on Tuesday.. is it true that they won’t call you if everything is good within 2 weeks?

2y trước

Kkh won't call if everything is low risk, doc will ho thru the report during your next appt.

The results generally come in 2 weeks and if all is good, hospital will just email you the results

They called within 3 days for my case to see my doctor.

my NT scan was high risk but i wasn’t informed via call

3y trước

Oh no :/ cus kkh did say they will call if its high risk.