NIPT results
Hi mummies, those who did the NIPT or Harmony test.. how to survive the 2 weeks waiting game? I just did mine on 4th Oct. I’m so afraid of receiving calls from KKH.

I did both FTS and harmony last Fri! And I called in today to ask for my FTS results 😂 but Harmony isn’t out yet so I requested for a call regardless of the results cos I think knowing is better than just waiting.
Hi there! I’m on the waiting game too, I did both NIPT and FTS. Scan for FTS will be done only next week. May I know how soon have you got the result? Was it via email, via the counsellor or your OBGYN? Thanks
Ok, thanks much!
i did mine on 7-Oct too and super anxious. hubby keep asking me to chill! i distract myself by decluttering the house and doing some deep cleaning 😅
2 weeks coming to the end!!! Fighting!!
i just did Panorama on Monday. Do alot of things to distract myself haha
I’m with you on the waiting game. :(