I have Thalassemia Minor, inherited it from my mum. Growing up, I didn't have any special treatment/supplement to take - but I'm not sure about it now! I only found out when I was 16 after some blood test (wasn't intentional testing, just a "oops, by the way" thing).
Generally, Thalassemia Minor is no big issue - just that the blood cells are not regular shaped, but in all sorts of irregular shapes and sizes, sometimes fragmented ones too. To take care, just make sure that there is enough iron for your child - be it from food or supplements!
I don't know if it's true or not, but I've been told (don't remember from who) that couldn't donate blood because my blood can negatively impact a person who doesn't have Thalassemia/blood deficiency - but I can receive blood from anyone.
One side note would be that in the future, he/she has to get his/her future partner to get tested for Thalassemia too - because two Thalassemia Minor can create a child with Thalassemia Major, which may result in birth defects or complications for their future child.
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