Coconut Water

Hi some says we need to avoid coconut water, some says it is good to consume it to avoid baby jaundice . Any advice?

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too much coconut juice is not good during pregnancy, i heard that alot. but some people said, coconut juice is good for baby skin's too. when you're reaching your due, drinking coconut juice is good, some saying la. i dont recall drinking it can reduce jaundice. i also want to know if its true.

5y trước

My sister pun cakap macam tu, and she said minum a month before due date

Coconut water is cold, perempuan selepas bersalin shouldn’t take it. You can try dragon fruit ( the purple one ). Lendir ( I don’t know what’s in english ) from the dragon fruit sapukan sikit on baby lips and the fruit you eat everyday. Work for me, hope for you too! ♥️

5y trước

Yes dear the dragon fruit is for jaundice, walnut is good for us and baby too ♥️

I started drink coconut drink on 7 months onward, twice a week, no sugar with ice. My mum said coconut water is for easy 'opening' during normal delivery. Took me 1 hour to 'push' after 2 hours of contraction pain! and my baby have mild jaundice for 8 days.

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masuk 3rd trimester sy amalkan makan bberapa biji kurma dan 1sudu madu lebah setiap pagi. seminggu beberapa kali minum air kelapa . sy & baby darah O+ , baby lahir tak jaundis.

5y trước

wah boleh amalkan ni..

Some people says to me, avoid coconut water during 1-2 trimester but start consuming the coconut water during 3rd pregnancy

5y trước

ok. will try to do during 3rd trimester. will try to get more research on this. thanks for the advise

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usually my cousin consume during 7months ++ of pregnancy.n yes its help a lot to prevent jaundice.

5y trước're right😁

Thành viên VIP

I don’t know about this but my son got jaundice. I did consume coconut water during 3rd trimester.

Thành viên VIP

hi its ok if you want to consume coconut water.. but not take too much.

Thành viên VIP

Some says coconut juice can ease your delivery. But not sure about avoiding jaundice.

5y trước

yeap mungkin the process ofbthe delivery will be more smooth kan. lets do some research on this then hehe.. thanks for the advise mommy

i start drink bila dh masuk 7months ..