4 Replies

Hello mummy.. Sorry that you have to go through that but do also understand that it's their job to do so. By latching, it will stimulate your milk to come out. I also had a painful breastfeeding period at the hospital. The LC kept coming at me and manually hand expressed my milk. It was super duper painful that I told her to stop, I was already crying in pain. But I understand it's her job to do so cos I need my milk to feed my baby in the NICU. Hang in there ok! Maybe tell her to stop for a while cos you're in pain. All will be better next time. Take care!

Hi mummy, i just gave birth 3 days ago, and totally feel you about the c-sect would feel pain and having a sore nipple. I also have the same problem, a short nipples and it will be inverted when the baby try to latch. You may want to talk to the breastfeeding consultant. It helps! Although still painful but at least they will teach you on how to hold the breast so that it is easier to feed. If you dont mind, you can request for mixed feeding as usually milk production is still very little during these few days. Jia you!

Don't be pressured to latch or pump if it is causing you stress and pain, if you don't feel strongly for it formula/mix feeding are good options too. I think it's good to make use of the knowledge of the nurses while you have the opportunity, but remember you are the patient and in control of your preferences. All the best and congrats on your birth!


i felt the same as the csec wound was too painful. first 2 days i ignored the comments n stares n just asked them to feed formula. they were not happy as pro breast milk but they still fed my baby. 3rd day i felt better n gave it another try before I left hospital

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