Tighten belly third trimester

Some days i feel why my belly tighten the whole day. Some day is only at night. I not sure why is that so? My gynae just say it is normal. I dont feel any pain when the belly is tightening but i feel super extremely heavy which makes me walk like penguin hence i dont go out at night anymore due to the heaviness.

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Yesssss ! Same same mine since 2nd trim every now and then will feel like that. Super uncomfortable. Especially when need to go out. Sometimes even to the point im starting to feel cramping. They say it might be braxton hicks but im also not sure.

2y trước

Yeah some ppl say it’s braxton hicks but it doesnt feel like contraction / cramp though

It's normal. It's braxton hicks. Sometimes mine can be quite painful tt I have to stop walking and hunch over for a while.

Super normal mummy! U feel like u can smack someone in the face sometimes.😂😂😂 but dnt worry, its really normal!

Yes it sounds like braxton hicks and it is normal as it doesn’t last