Mum guilt for pumping > latching

Hello mums who exclusively pump, when and why did you decide to stop latching on directly? I’m already feeling mum guilt that I only latch twice a day and pump more than I latch. Hoping to hear some of your experiences if you don’t mind sharing 🙆🏻‍♀️ #firsttimemom

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I ep cause baby is not latching well and I really don’t have the energy to wake up so many times to latch. Pumping and washing is way faster and since baby is drinking more from bottle, she sleeps longer. Also a part of me is selfish cause they say latching may have uneven boobs if baby only clears the preferred boob so I prefer pumping instead. Don’t need to feel guilty, afterall you are still providing your best regardless of latching, pumping or even formula feeding. What matters most is baby is healthy and drinking well will do. 😊

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