Next ultrasound and anxiety

Dear mums, How do you get over the anxiety to wait for the next ultrasound to check on your baby - can’t feel the kicking yet as below 20 weeks.

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I did! All the way till the end actually. I just kept telling myself to not worry excessively and I tried my best to keep my mind off it. Your baby will move more later in your pregnancy and soon you'll know his or her regular movement schedule :) I also looked forward to my baby's hiccups as it's something she had multiple times a day. Also, baby do run out of space to move as much in the 1-2 weeks before the delivery; there was a drop in big movements from my baby. All turned out fine and she's is a healthy baby. I'm sure you love your baby a plenty. Hope the rest of the pregnancy is uneventful and a smooth one!

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I bought a fetal doppler and started using it around 10 weeks. Used it about once a week or once every few days for a piece of mind! But around 20 weeks or so, could start feeling kicks so I stopped using the doppler

3y trước

Can you recommend the doppler brand?